Monday, May 25, 2015


Hello girls and boys of 4th level!!!! Here, you have some examples of how to describe an animal. Let me know if you need any help!!! See you tomorrow!!!

They are
It's a

Lions, cats, dogs, ants, sharks
a lion, a cat, a dog, a rabbit

It can
They can

Run, jump, roar, climb, swim, walk, fly
They have got
It has got

They haven’t got
It hasn't got
a tail, four legs, claws, paws, a head, one mouth, sharp teeth, two eyes, two ears, a nose, wings, a dorsal fin, flippers.

wings, stings, a trunk,  antennae, fins, flippers, horns, ears,

They eat
It eats

meat, fish, grass, insects, …

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