Sunday, March 15, 2020

6th grade worksheet question 4 answer!

Here you can write/copy in the comments your answer to question 4 of the worksheet I gave you last week: 4. Write about what you do every day. Then write about what you are doing now.  (You have to write at least 4 sentences).
You have until Wesdnesday 18th of March to do it. Remember to write your name and class so I know who you are! Come on! You can! :)

Aquí podeu escriure/copiar en els comentaris la resposta a la pregunta 4 del document que us vaig donar la semana pasada: 4. Write about what you do every day. Then write about what you are doing now. (Heu d'escriure com a mínim 4 frases)
Teniu fins dimecres 18 de març per fer-ho. Recordeu escriure el nom i la classe per saber qui sou! Molt d'ánim! Vosaltres podeu! :)


  1. Every Day I Watch the TV.
    Every Day I go to the school
    Right now I am doing homeworks
    Right Now i am listening to music

    1. De la Clase de 6A

    2. Very good Rayco! It is correct, but you don't need to put "the" (Every day I watch TV or Every day I go to school, is better). In homeworks you don't need the -s: homework. Thank you and cheer up! :)

  2. Ester esto son deberes no? No me a quedado muy claro soy Ismail

    1. Sii Ismail! Tenéis que hacer el documento que os di la semana pasada sobre el "Present Simple and Present Continuous" y poner la respuesta de la pregunta 4 aquí en los comentarios! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. -Every day i draw (Or edit).
    -Every day i listen music.
    -Right now i am thinking.
    -Right now i am writing.
    Lucia Puerto (6-b)

    1. Very good Lucia!! You can also write: I listen TO music, and i is better if you write i (yo) in capital letters: I.
      Keep working! :)

  5. -Every day i play with my father football.
    -Every day i read a book.
    -Right now i am eating pizza with my friends
    -Right now i am run in a park.


    1. Very good Aslam! It is more correct if you write: Every day I PLAY FOOTBALL with my father. And, remember, if you use "right now", you need to use -ING in the verb: "Right now I am runnING in a park". Thank you! :)

  6. Every day i play with my friends Play 4
    Every day i listen music
    Every day i do my homework
    Every day i watch TV
    Ester perdon por enviartelo ahora i no hace dos dias

    1. ¡No te preocupes Asslam! Es una época rara y todos hacemos lo que podemos. ¡Yo contenta de saber de vosotros!
      It is good but you also need to write at least one sentence with "right now"!

  7. Hello!, Every day i wake up wuith my hair scrambled. Tomorrow i hace to vive these phrases to Ester. Right now i al doping my homework. Now i al learning new things. Now i al thinking of speak English (maria moreno 6b)

    1. Very good Maria! Some corrections:
      wuith: with
      vive: send
      doping: doing
      But good!! I hope you are well! :)


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