Thursday, March 19, 2020

5th grade Thursday 19th of March

Good morning everybody!! I hope you are fine!!

-Corrections Tuesday 17th of March

1-Baker’s: bread, biscuits, cake
Greengrocer’s: potato, banana, carrot
Sports shop: football, tennis racket (racquet is not correct), bicycle
Book shop: magazine, book, comic
Clothes shop: skirt, shirt, trousers

2-I’m hungry! – Let’s go to the café!
-I want to play football. – Why don’t we go to the park?
-I need some skis. – Let’s go to the sports shop!
-I want to see a film. – Why don’t we go to the cinema?
-I need a book for school. – Why don’t we go to the bookshop?

4.Fizzy drinks

TODAY’S ACTIVITIES (For Monday 23rd of March)
You have to read, look at the maps and answer. Make a picture to your answers or write them in a “word/office” and send them to my email:
You have time to answer until Monday 23rd of March. Remember to write your name and your class! Thank you!

-Activity 1: David is playing in the city and he has lost some objects. Can you help him? Where are the objects?

1-David is in his house. He turns right, goes straight on, turns left, and his bike is opposite the school. Where is his bike? _____________

2-David is in his house. He goes straight on along the street and turns left. Where is the ball? ___________________

3-David is in his house. He turns right, goes straight on and turns right. He goes along “Fifth Street” and turns right. He turns right again. Where is the book? __________

4-David is in his house. He turns right, goes straight on and turns right. He goes along “Fifth Street” and turns right. He goes straight on and at the end of the street, on the left, is his playstation. Where is his playstation? ___________

5- David is in his house. He turns right, goes straight on and turns right. He goes along “Fifth Street” and, at the end of the street, he turns left. Where is his racket? _____________

-Activity 2: Look at the map and write the missing directions you need to get to the shops. How do you get to…?

·      EXAMPLE: The butchers: Go straight on and turn left in the first street. Go straight on and turn left in the zebra crossing. It is opposite the pharmacy.
·      The bakery (or baker’s):
·      The grocer’s (or greengrocer’s):
·      The shoe shop:
·      The kiosk:
·      The supermarket:

Miss you!!!


  1. Hola ester te extrañe y a mi clase bye

  2. Hi iam Noha.How are you?

    1. Hello Noha! I'm fine, and you? But I miss going to school, :(

  3. Hi Ester,i'm Aicha.No he entendido lo que colgaste,lo de el 1,2y3. Que hay que hacer?

    1. Hello Aicha! El 1, 2 y 3 del principio son las respuestas de los 3 ejercicios que puse el martes, para que lo podáis corregir, :)

  4. I finish the homework , I'm Sara the 5°A and bye.😀👍

    1. Perfect Sara! Espero el correo con tus respuestas :)


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