Thursday, March 26, 2020


Good morning everybody!!

Here you have the activities for today. You have to read and answer the questions in your notebook or in a paper and send a picture to my email. You have time until Saturday 28th of March at 10 o’clock in the morning. You can!

(Aquí teniu les activitats per avui. Heu de contestar les preguntes a la llibreta o a un paper i enviar-me una foto al meu email:
Teniu temps per enviar-ho fins dissabte 28 de març a les 10 del matí.
Les preguntes 1 i 2 no fa falta que les copieu totes, podeu contestar sols amb una paraula. Per exemple: 1-a)Teacher, b)Doctor…, 2-a)True, b)True….
A la pregunta 3 si que heu de copiar tota la frase i completar-la. Recordeu escriure el nom! Ànim!!)

1-Read and write the jobs.

2-Read and decide if the sentences are True (T) or False (F).

3-Complete the sentences with the correct job and the correct form of the verbs in brackets (decide if the verb is in Present Simple or Present Continuous and write the correct form).

4-Imagine your are an astronaut. Write 4 sentences about the things you do every day and 1 sentence about what you are doing NOW.

Have a nice weekend! Big hug!


  1. hello ester i am cabrera i have your email im going to send it okay....

    1. Hello Cabrera!! Happy to hear from you!! :D
      Don't worry, you have time to send it until tomorrow! :)
      Thank you!!
      I hope you are fine!! Big hug!

  2. Hola Ester soy Nerea, puedes decirme si te han llegado mis deveres?

  3. I just send you the email.
    -Lucia Puerto.

  4. Hola ester soy maria mañana te enviare las fotos porque ya es muy tarde y no quiero molestar adiós!

    1. Nunca es molestia Maria!! Enviadme las cosas cuando podáis y yo cuando pueda también os contesto! :)


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